Sunday, May 22, 2011

"one is one too many, one more is never enough"

It's the last challenge of ADSR 6.  I think I'm going to miss doing this every week.  It was way more fun than I thought it would be, even though most of the challenges drove me absolutely up the wall.

Here the complete list of my challenges for this year's race:

Challenge 1 - Facts About My Family

The Real Us (right)

The Real Us (left)

Challenge 2 - Cuts Outs

Hey Dad (left)

Hey Dad (right)

And because I fail at following instructions, I had to redo it:

Lessons From Mom

Challenge 3 - Family Games

Family Game Night (left)

Family Game Night (right)

Challenge 4 - Was an intersection about travel, and my partner did that one.

Challenge 5 - A Recipe Challenge, with the theme of getting away from the family

Me Time

Challenge 6 - A sympathy card challenge

Thinking of You

Challenge 7 - A scene challenge (this is the one that drove me the most crazy, I mean what in the world would I ever scrap with a chipmunk or squirl for. I could rail about this layout for ages I swear. But I got away with bending the rules like crazy, and being quite a bit passive aggressive in the journaling).

RIP Daisy

Challenge 8 - Had to answer the question 'What is Family'

Family is...

Challenge 9 - This was my favorite layout of the race, it was a layout we did together, my partner helped with the title, were we could only use six lines of journaling, and as many elements or papers as we had family members.


Challenge 10 - A quality that we have, that someone else in our family has.

So Shy

Challenge 11 - Was our favorite family recipe, and for the first time, I was using this kit for what it was meant.


Challenge 12 - A template, 365ish challenge. Another one I didn't like so much because the instructions were so specfic that it drove me nuts. I prefer challenges that inspire creativity instead of those that limit it by being so super specfic. Again, I'm pretty sure you can tell from the journaling.

Week in the Life Of...

Challenge 13 - The theme was family by situation instead of by blood

There is Magic In The Theater

Challenge 14 - Another challenge we shared, The the title had to be "My Doppleganger". I did the layout, and my partner put in the journaling and pictures. I still don't know what this challenge is about.

Challenge 15 - The last one was a journaling challenge, where we had to scrap out our digi families. I lucked out getting this kit over iNSD

So Much Cooler Online

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